
Navigating Temptation and Embracing the Holy Spirit’s Transformative Power

By Sarah Hanson Do you follow Stephen on social media or just pretend to? He recently shared a humblebrag about his accomplishments, and it got me thinking. When my husband Chris and I bought our first house, it was a challenge. The real estate market was difficult, and we had the added challenge of finding […]

Discovering the Life-Changing Power of the Holy Spirit

On the day of Pentecost, 2000 years ago, something significant happened. All the believers were gathered together, and suddenly, there was a sound like a mighty windstorm and flames appeared, settling on each person. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in different languages. This event is often misunderstood as being exclusive […]

Pray Like This: Spiritual Warfare

by Jason Webb I love movies, and the best movies are the ones that have great villains. How many of you have seen all the Harry Potter movies? Do you ever think about the personification of evil? It’s in Lord Voldemort. And when he kills Harry, you think evil has won. Thankfully, you and I […]

Pray Like This: Confession

How many of you love being wrong? None of us genuinely enjoy admitting when we’ve blown it. We’d instead make excuses and point the finger at someone else than admit we messed up. There’s a lot of shame when acknowledging that we’re wrong. This stunts our spiritual growth and connection with God. We’re in the […]

Pray Like This: Intercession

by Jacob Musselman Prayer Is An Ongoing Conversation Stephen and I have been friends for over a decade, but we can count on two hands the number of times we have seen each other face-to-face. Most of you don’t know me, but I know you because Stephen talks about you, loves you, and cares for […]

Pray Like This: Petition

Give Us Today The Food We Need Have you ever walked up to a restaurant, checked the menu posted outside, and quickly realized that the restaurant was not for you? Not because you didn’t like the food they offered, but because it was out of your price range? I have learned that if the restaurant […]