
Personal Growth
Colorful graphic with abstract shapes, a person walking, and the words 'Outrageous Faith' in large, bold letters. This image represents the sermon series by Madison Church on developing a Gospel-shaped worldview.
by Jason Webb Several years ago, I found myself at the end of my rope in ministry. The relentless exhaustion had taken its toll on me, and the old adage is true: exhausted people exhaust people, hurt people hurt people, and divided people divide people. My state of being spilled over into every aspect of...
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Graphic with text "The Essentials of: Growing In, Repairing Broken: TRUST" with a gradient background.
Written by Jason Webb In our ongoing series on trust, we have explored various facets that contribute to establishing and maintaining trust in our relationships. Today, we delve into an essential building block many overlook: Spiritual Discernment. Although familiar, this concept is often misunderstood and underutilized, mainly due to the misconception that it is a special...
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Graphic with text "The Essentials of: Growing In, Repairing Broken: TRUST" with a gradient background.
Building Trust: The Cornerstone of Meaningful Connections Trust is a word that resonates deeply within the human experience, echoing through the corridors of our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. It is not merely a sentiment but a critical element of our interactions, shaping our relationships and perceptions of others. The phrase “Just trust me” carries...
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Suspicions Challenged Our series, “Suspicious Faith,” is an eye-opening journey into faith. This voyage involves critical examination and self-discovery, pushing us beyond entrenched religious beliefs and into the intricate realm of spirituality. Our messages challenge the widely-held notion that spiritual fulfillment can be experienced without probing the core tenets of our faith. We delve into...
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Ready to harness the power of forgiveness and liberate yourself from the chains of pain? If that resonates with you, you’ve come to the perfect place. In this talk, we delve deeply into the intricate landscape of forgiveness, uncovering its profound influence on relationship repair, its role in fostering emotional healing, and its significance in...
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In today’s world, maintaining healthy relationships can pose a significant challenge. Whether you’re dealing with a friend, partner, or family member, it often demands continuous effort, adjustment, and understanding. Dive into our latest message, “Mending Relationships: Embracing Self-Awareness and Admitting Wrongs,” where we thoroughly explore this subject, delving into the pivotal roles of self-awareness and...
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In our latest podcast episode, we ventured into the arena of relationships, exploring how we can build meaningful connections, foster a sense of community, and discover our true identity. This journey began at the intentionally small Madison Church, a place that champions the power of social interactions. Whether you’re a believer or non-believer, the invitation...
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