
Spiritual Warfare
Graphic for "Empowered for More" sermon series featuring dynamic visual elements such as black and white stripes, images of a dove, fire, water, and classic art depictions of hands reaching towards each other. Text includes the series title and a reference to Luke 3:1-13.
In the beginning, God created a garden in Eden with every tree for food, including the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God placed Adam and Eve in the garden and commanded them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Despite this,...
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Understanding the unseen realm can profoundly impact our perspective of the physical world. As we conclude our series on the Unseen, we dive into the mysterious intersection of the physical and supernatural, with God as the crucial component. This exploration allows us to shatter misconceptions about the Kingdom of God, appreciating its vast implications and...
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We’re starting a new series called Unseen. I believe it’s crucial for us to explore the realm of the supernatural and delve into the unseen dimension of life. Within the Christian faith, we understand that there is more to our existence than what our senses can perceive. Discussing the unseen may make some of us...
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Today, we continue our Unseen series, exploring the supernatural realm and its spiritual significance in our faith. Understanding the Holy Spirit and the supernatural can be challenging, as we often seek tangible evidence and objective study. However, experiences play a crucial role in grasping these concepts. In the past, some of you may have grown...
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by Jason Webb I love movies, and the best movies are the ones that have great villains. How many of you have seen all the Harry Potter movies? Do you ever think about the personification of evil? It’s in Lord Voldemort. And when he kills Harry, you think evil has won. Thankfully, you and I...
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