Kingdom Ambassadors: Living Out Outrageous Faith in a Polarized World

Embracing our calling as Kingdom Ambassadors refers to our role as agents of God’s Kingdom on earth, spreading his love and message of reconciliation. In an era marked by political polarization and social upheaval, followers of Jesus must cultivate a faith that stands out boldly and unapologetically. As we continue our teaching series, “Outrageous Faith,” let’s explore what it means to live out a faith that transcends societal norms and passionately adheres to Jesus’ teachings, especially in the realm of politics.

The Intersection of Faith and Politics

This series is NOT about endorsing any political party or candidate but about letting our faith be the lens through which we view and engage with the political landscape. Why? Because our neighbors are discussing politics, Jesus addressed political issues, and politics impacts every facet of our lives, from healthcare to foreign policy.

Our worldview shapes how we see and interact with the world, influencing our voting patterns, friendships, and daily decisions. For Christians, our worldview should be rooted in the Gospel, which means viewing the world through the lens of Jesus’ teachings and values. Developing a Gospel worldview involves discipleship—a continuous, patient journey of becoming more like Jesus. This process is not about instant change but about profound, gradual transformation.

In an election year, it’s vital to rise above the pervasive outrage and maintain a Gospel-centered perspective. This means considering how Jesus would respond to political issues, such as immigration or healthcare, and aligning our stance with his teachings. As Paul exhorts in Ephesians 4:21-24 (NLT), we must “throw off our old sinful nature and former way of life… and let the Spirit renew our thoughts and attitudes.” This renewal is about discarding bad habits and adopting a new nature aligned with God’s righteousness and holiness.

Our Role as Ambassadors

Building on our discussion of shifting worldviews, we focus on our role as transformed individuals today. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 (NLT) about our ministry of reconciliation. As Christ’s ambassadors, we are not alone in this task. We are part of a unified body, each with a unique role, but all working towards the same goal of spreading the message of reconciliation between humanity and God. This role extends beyond merely receiving grace; it involves actively sharing it with those who have yet to experience it.

In the first century, ambassadors were envoys with specific tasks dedicated to their sender’s interests until their mission was complete. Similarly, as ambassadors of Christ, we are sent with a divine mission. Our allegiance to Jesus must remain steadfast despite temptations vying for our loyalty.

The Message of Reconciliation

Paul leaves no ambiguity about our mission’s content: reconciliation with God. This reconciliation is not just about personal salvation, but about restoring a broken relationship between humanity and God, initiated by God and accomplished through Jesus. Our reconciliation marks the beginning of our transformation and sets us on a mission to reconcile others to God. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we are God’s masterpiece, created anew in Christ to do the good things he planned for us.

Sent to a Specific Time and Space

Our mission remains constant, but the culture we are sent into evolves. To effectively share Jesus’s love, we must immerse ourselves in and understand our culture. This involves recognizing our time’s unique challenges, such as increasing secularism and moral relativism, and opportunities, such as technological advancements that enable global communication and outreach. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for us to communicate the Gospel resonantly and effectively.

Answering Jesus’ Prayer

In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus likens the harvest to bodies and souls ready to receive the message of faith, emphasizing the need for more workers in his fields. This prayer is not just a distant plea but a personal call to action for each of us. We are not just passive recipients of God’s grace but active participants in his mission. Our collective effort as a united body is crucial for the success of this mission. Each one of us has a unique role to play, and our active participation is what makes the mission possible.

A Personal Story: Golfing as a Metaphor

Let me share a personal story to illustrate our role as Kingdom Ambassadors. Many of you know about my love-hate relationship with golf. The camaraderie and competitive spirit make it an irresistible experience. Last year, our team participated in a golf outing with a scramble format, where teamwork and mutual support were paramount. This experience underscored the power of unity and mirrors our role as Kingdom Ambassadors, where we work together, supporting and encouraging one another, to fulfill our mission.

This experience underscored the power of unity and mirrors our role as Kingdom Ambassadors. While our politics have their place, they are secondary to our mission. We support each other through challenges, offer constructive criticism, celebrate successes, and mourn failures. Our ultimate calling is to serve as Kingdom Ambassadors, united in our mission above all else.

Conclusion: “Here I Am, Send Me”

As we conclude, I want to emphasize the prayer from Isaiah 6:8: “Here I am. Send me.” This prayer encapsulates our readiness and commitment to serve as Kingdom Ambassadors. God is seeking individuals to send right here in Madison, Wisconsin. Our role is not just to pray for people to find Jesus but to actively participate in his mission.

Madison Church is blessed with many who step up right where they are, not waiting until they feel “good enough.” Just as Jesus chose his disciples—a group of imperfect individuals—we are called to live as sent ones, continuously passing this responsibility on to future generations.

May our faith be so outrageous that we declare, “Here I am, Lord. Send me.” Let’s embrace our calling as Kingdom Ambassadors, prioritizing our mission over politics. By fostering a culture of support and encouragement, we reflect the heart of Jesus and fulfill our highest calling. As we go out this week, let’s commit to being those who say, “Here I am, Lord. Send me.”