Our unique series, “Mature Audiences Only: The Bible,” takes a fresh approach to exploring those parts of the scriptures that remain less discussed yet are pivotal in understanding our spiritual heritage.

Growing Past the Nursery of Faith

Our study is tailored for those who yearn for personal growth and a more profound understanding—those who aspire to mature in their faith. We will delve into challenging questions about the perceived discrepancies in the Bible and the different lenses through which we should view the Old and New Testaments. Our discussions are designed to stimulate and equip you with a more robust framework for understanding scripture, empowering you to take your faith journey to new heights.

Unraveling the Mysteries

Phrases like “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so,” capture a childlike essence of faith. Yet, as we grow, the complexity of life and more profound questions about faith begin to surface, often outpacing the growth of our spiritual understanding. It’s not just about knowing that Jesus loves us because “the Bible tells me so,” but understanding the “why” deeply, beyond just the textual assertions.

The Journey of the Bible: From Papyrus to Present

The Bible as we know it today—a fascinating collection of books, chapters, and verses neatly bound in a single volume—is the culmination of centuries of captivating history. Originating over 1,500 years by more than 40 authors across three languages, the Bible tells a unified story of humanity’s interaction with the divine, centered around the life of Jesus. Understanding where the Bible comes from is essential and intriguing. This historical journey from oral traditions and eyewitness accounts to written scriptures is a testament to the Bible’s enduring relevance.

Building Confidence in Scripture

We are committed to building a strong case for the reliability of the Bible through historical evidence, eyewitness testimonies, and corroborations from non-Christian sources. The Gospel accounts, for instance, are not just a matter of faith but are supported by external historical references and are internally consistent, with numerous undesigned coincidences that reinforce their credibility. This reassurance about the Bible’s reliability is aimed at instilling trust and confidence in its teachings.

Why This Matters

In modern times, skepticism about the Bible is growing. Studies suggest that more people today are skeptical of the Bible than are actively engaged with it. Our aim in this teaching series is to encourage more frequent engagement with the Bible and foster confidence in its accuracy and authority.

Understanding the “why” behind the Bible’s teachings goes beyond merely accepting its words at face value. It involves delving into the contexts in which biblical texts were written, the purposes they served, and how they relate to the overarching narrative of God’s relationship with humanity.

For instance, consider the concept of forgiveness. The Bible doesn’t just instruct us to forgive because it’s a command found in texts like Matthew 6:14-15; it encourages forgiveness as a reflection of God’s grace towards us, showcasing a profound spiritual principle that liberating oneself from anger and resentment leads to peace and reconciliation. This is the “why.” 

The “how” can be explored through Jesus’ parables, such as the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35), which illustrates the consequences of forgiveness and the lack thereof, teaching us how to embody forgiveness in our daily interactions.

Addressing Doubts and Skepticism

It’s important to encounter elements within the Bible that challenge our understanding or seem contradictory. Maturing in faith involves wrestling with these issues rather than ignoring them. By confronting these challenges head-on, we can achieve a deeper, more resilient faith.

Addressing Discrepancies

One common area where discrepancies are perceived in the Bible involves different authors’ differing accounts of the same events, particularly in the Gospels. For example, the resurrection of Jesus is described in all four Gospels, but each contains different details about who arrived at the tomb first, the number of angels present, and Jesus’ first appearances post-resurrection.

These discrepancies do not necessarily undermine the truth of the events but rather highlight each Gospel writer’s different perspectives and priorities. Matthew, writing primarily for a Jewish audience, emphasizes the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. With a more straightforward narrative style, Mark focuses on the immediacy and supernatural elements of Jesus’ ministry. Luke, the careful historian, gives a detailed and orderly account, ensuring the inclusion of eyewitness testimonies. Finally, John’s Gospel, written last, is more reflective and theological, emphasizing the divinity of Christ and aiming to strengthen the faith of believers.

By addressing these discrepancies head-on, we can appreciate the richer, multi-faceted portrayal of Jesus’ life and ministry, understanding that the Gospels complement rather than contradict one another. This approach not only deepens our understanding of scripture but also enriches our faith, showing us the complexity and beauty of the Biblical narrative.

The Impact of Engaging with Scripture

Research by groups like the Barna Group has shown that engagement with the Bible is a stronger predictor of enduring faith than just church attendance. Our series hopes to transform Bible reading from a mere religious obligation to a dynamic interaction with God.

Conclusion: An Invitation

This blog post and our upcoming series are not just about academic exploration. They are a gateway to a transformative encounter with God through the pages of the Bible, a journey that can affirm and uplift your life. Whether you’ve learned from your faith or seek to deepen it, we believe that a more informed and reflective approach to the Bible can be the catalyst for a more profound spiritual experience, inspiring hope and growth in your life.

Stay tuned as we explore this essential topic in our next posts.

As we continue to explore these vital themes, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Reflect on how the Bible shapes your relationship with God, and share your insights below. If this post resonates with you, please spread the word and share it with others who might benefit from a deeper understanding of scripture.


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1 Response
  1. […] In our initial discussions, we explored the origins of the Bible, understanding how the text has tra… This transformation highlights the ongoing dialogue between the past and the present, urging us to consider the Bible a historical artifact and a living document that speaks into our modern lives. This perspective is foundational as we approach Scripture, reminding us that the truths it holds have been explored and lived out across generations, each adding layers of understanding and application. […]

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