As we approach our 10th anniversary, I am filled with anticipation and gratitude. Ten years in Madison—that’s a significant milestone! I’ve always believed in God’s vision for us and our community’s remarkable resilience. This was especially evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. The way we’ve persevered through challenges and emerged even stronger is a testament to our collective strength and faith.

Last year, we baptized nearly 20 people, indicating God’s presence and our community’s determination. Since 2020, more people have connected with God and taken steps of faith, proving that our dedication and perseverance have produced good fruit.

But it’s not just new believers who have found a home at Madison Church. Many have experienced healing from past traumas and crises. Some have clarified their life’s direction, asking for the first time what God wants for their lives and relationships. Many have celebrated significant milestones with us, while others are navigating tough times with the love and support of this community.

Centered on a Movement

As we reflect on our past and look forward to our future, it’s important to remember the values that guide us at Madison Church. These values are not just something we aspire to; they are the direction we strive for and the scorecard by which we measure our actions.

Our identity and DNA are centered around a movement—spreading the Gospel message and showing Jesus’ love throughout Madison and beyond. This is not about one church, a leader, or some disciples; it’s about a collective movement that saturates the city with the Gospel. In this series, we will explore the six elements identified by missiologist Alan Hirsch as essential for any Christian movement. These elements are the core values of Madison Church and have been determined to drive a Christian movement that transforms lives and cities.

Jesus is Lord

The first of these values is Jesus is Lord. This means we believe Jesus is the ultimate authority in our lives. His resurrection validates his claims and is the cornerstone of our faith. It’s not just about the Easter message; the resurrection is our beacon of hope and the guiding light in our darkest moments.

But we don’t just believe and declare Jesus’ lordship. Embracing Jesus as Lord means submitting every part of our lives to his authority. It’s not just a confession; it’s a transformative commitment. We must continually ask ourselves, “Am I genuinely letting Jesus be the Lord in every area of my life?” This includes our finances, sexuality, hobbies, and more.

  • Regarding our finances, we must ask ourselves if Jesus is indeed the Lord of our financial decisions. Whether wealthy or living paycheck to paycheck, how we handle our finances reflects our trust in God’s provision and stewardship of what he has given us. We should consider whether our spending aligns with Jesus’ values in our financial decisions.
  • Our sexuality is another area where we should submit to Jesus’ lordship. Society’s norms should not govern our sexuality; instead, we should follow the teachings of the New Testament. When we align our sexuality with God’s design, we experience wholeness and fulfillment.
  • Our free time, hobbies, and entertainment should be dedicated to God. Suppose we prioritize personal enjoyment over spiritual growth. In that case, we risk compartmentalizing our lives and missing out on God’s fullness for us. By dedicating our leisure activities to God, we can find sustainable enjoyment that enhances our relationships and spiritual well-being.

For more information and a deeper understanding of what Jesus’ Lordship means for us today, check out this book by Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost.

A Lifelong Journey of Discipleship

Declaring Jesus as Lord is intense and requires self-sacrifice and total submission. However, it’s not about making all the changes at once. For this journey to be sustainable, we must allow Jesus to lead and transform us from the inside out. In Matthew 16, Jesus tells his disciples, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am.” This means we should let Jesus guide our decisions and actions, even when difficult. Following Jesus means embracing suffering, self-sacrifice, and finding our true selves in him.

This series isn’t about overwhelming ourselves with external changes but about the inner work of declaring Jesus is Lord every day. As we make this declaration, we must reflect on how it impacts every area of our lives—finances, sexuality, hobbies, work, family, and more. Discipleship is a lifelong journey, and each day, we must choose to follow Jesus and let him lead.

To lead and be part of a movement that changes lives, we must first activate Jesus in ourselves. By choosing him daily and letting him lead, we can be part of his Kingdom work in Madison and beyond. Let’s declare Jesus is Lord and commit to following him in every area of our lives.