In the early days of the Christian church, the Apostles were the courageous trailblazers, carrying the message of the Gospel into uncharted territories. The word “Apostle” itself means “the one who is sent out,” and it perfectly encapsulates the role these individuals played. Visionary and pioneering, the Apostles were innovators, constantly pushing the boundaries to advance God’s kingdom and ensure that the church moved forward, never becoming stagnant.

At the heart of Apostleship lies a core question: Are we leading the people of God to their destiny? This question isn’t just for those who identify with the gifting of an Apostle; it’s a challenge for the entire body of Christ. Apostles are the ones who take bold steps to guide the church toward its God-ordained future. They see the bigger picture, often envisioning what could be before anyone else can. But this vision must always be rooted in leading people into God’s plan for their lives.

The Apostle Paul: A Story of Transformation and Mission

Though not one of the original twelve disciples, Paul stands as one of the most prominent Apostles in Christian history. His story begins with a dramatic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19). Before this encounter, Paul was a fierce persecutor of Christians, but everything changed in an instant. Jesus called him to be an Apostle to the Gentiles, a mission that would see Paul spreading the Gospel across the Roman Empire.

Paul’s apostolic mission was marked by establishing numerous churches, mentoring emerging leaders, and writing many letters that now form a significant portion of the New Testament. His life is a powerful example of what it means to be sent out—to pioneer new paths, to face opposition with courage, and to keep moving forward, regardless of the challenges. His transformation from a persecutor to a pioneer is a beacon of hope and inspiration for all believers.

Apostles in Action: Then and Now

The role of the Apostles in the early church was crucial. They were the ones who expanded the reach of the Gospel, planted new communities, and maintained the integrity of the faith. Their efforts laid the foundation for what would become a global Christian movement.

Today, the gift of Apostleship continues to be vital. Modern Apostles are those called to pioneer new initiatives within the church and beyond. They might start new ministries, plant churches, launch mission organizations, or initiate community outreach programs, all with a heart for innovation and relevance. These forward-thinking leaders challenge the status quo, pushing the church into new areas of influence and ensuring it remains mission-focused.

For instance, an Apostle serving as a Trustee at Madison Church provides visionary leadership, guiding us toward long-term goals and the strategic use of resources. They encourage creative investments beyond maintaining the status quo, propelling the organization toward its destiny. In this role, they might be responsible for strategic planning, financial oversight, and ensuring the church’s mission is upheld.

The Apostolic Call for All Believers

While not every Christian is gifted as an Apostle, there are aspects of the apostolic calling that every believer is invited to embrace. All Christians are called to be sent out in some way, to be a light in their communities, and to lead others toward their God-given destiny.

We might not all start churches or ministries, but we are all called to be pioneers in our faith. This could mean stepping out of our comfort zones to share the Gospel, challenging the norms in our workplaces, or leading our families in new ways of following Christ.

Every believer is called to have a forward-thinking faith that doesn’t settle for the status quo but constantly seeks to advance the kingdom of God. We are all called to be part of the mission, ensuring that the church remains vibrant, relevant, and focused on God’s destiny for his people.

In this sense, the spirit of Apostleship is something we can all carry, no matter our specific gifts. We are all sent out into the world, called to innovate, to lead, and to guide others toward the destiny God has for them. As we do, we embody the pioneering spirit that has driven the church forward since the Apostles’ days.