

Plunge into the depths of trust with our “TRUST” series. Throughout this study, we delve into the intricate dynamics of trust that are deeply woven into our spiritual and communal lives. From understanding the fundamental aspects of trustworthiness—like discernment, motive, and character—to navigating the challenges of broken trust and the pathways to restoration, these posts provide a comprehensive view of how trust shapes our relationships with God, leaders, and each other. Join us as we explore practical and spiritual strategies to enhance trust, guided by biblical insights and the teachings of Dr. Henry Cloud. Whether it’s strengthening personal integrity, deepening community bonds, or fostering resilience in faith, this series is for you. It aims to empower everyone with the tools to build and sustain trust in every aspect of life because your journey matters to us.

Graphic with text "The Essentials of: Growing In, Repairing Broken: TRUST" with a gradient background.
Written by Jason Webb In our ongoing series on trust, we have explored various facets that contribute to establishing and maintaining trust in our relationships. Today, we delve into an essential building block many overlook: Spiritual Discernment. Although familiar, this concept is often misunderstood and underutilized, mainly due to the misconception that it is a special...
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Graphic with text "The Essentials of: Growing In, Repairing Broken: TRUST" with a gradient background.
Our recent sermon series at Madison Church, delving into the theme of trust, is not just an intellectual exercise. It’s a journey that resonates deeply with each of us, drawing from the profound insights of Dr. Henry Cloud. Trust is not a mere luxury in our personal lives, but a fundamental pillar in our spiritual...
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Graphic with text "The Essentials of: Growing In, Repairing Broken: TRUST" with a gradient background.
Today, I want to discuss a topic that might seem unusual in a church setting but is deeply intertwined with our spiritual lives: trust. Why Trust? You might wonder why we focus on trust rather than traditional church teachings like prayer. The reason is simple: trust profoundly impacts our spirituality and our community. It shapes...
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Graphic with text "The Essentials of: Growing In, Repairing Broken: TRUST" with a gradient background.
Building Trust: The Cornerstone of Meaningful Connections Trust is a word that resonates deeply within the human experience, echoing through the corridors of our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. It is not merely a sentiment but a critical element of our interactions, shaping our relationships and perceptions of others. The phrase “Just trust me” carries...
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