
Faith and Relationships
Colorful graphic with abstract shapes, a person walking, and the words 'Outrageous Faith' in large, bold letters. This image represents the sermon series by Madison Church on developing a Gospel-shaped worldview.
by Jason Webb Several years ago, I found myself at the end of my rope in ministry. The relentless exhaustion had taken its toll on me, and the old adage is true: exhausted people exhaust people, hurt people hurt people, and divided people divide people. My state of being spilled over into every aspect of...
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Graphic with text "The Essentials of: Growing In, Repairing Broken: TRUST" with a gradient background.
Written by Jason Webb In our ongoing series on trust, we have explored various facets that contribute to establishing and maintaining trust in our relationships. Today, we delve into an essential building block many overlook: Spiritual Discernment. Although familiar, this concept is often misunderstood and underutilized, mainly due to the misconception that it is a special...
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Graphic with text "The Essentials of: Growing In, Repairing Broken: TRUST" with a gradient background.
Today, I want to discuss a topic that might seem unusual in a church setting but is deeply intertwined with our spiritual lives: trust. Why Trust? You might wonder why we focus on trust rather than traditional church teachings like prayer. The reason is simple: trust profoundly impacts our spirituality and our community. It shapes...
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