Evangelists, with their unwavering dedication, are incredibly passionate about sharing the Gospel. They make the message of Jesus accessible and relevant to those who do not believe. Their deep burden for the lost and their willingness to spend time with non-Christians serve as a powerful reminder to the church that many still need to hear about Jesus. The role of the Evangelist is crucial in ensuring that the message of Christ reaches new ears and enters new hearts.

The core question driving an Evangelist’s heart is: Are new people entering into the Kingdom of God? This question fuels their mission, as Evangelists are always looking for ways to connect the unchurched with Jesus’s life-changing message. They are deeply concerned with whether the Gospel is being effectively communicated and reaching those who have yet to experience its transformative power.

Philip the Evangelist: A Model of Mission

Philip explicitly called an Evangelist in Acts 21:8, serves as a powerful example of this gifting in action. His ministry was marked by a deep commitment to spreading the Gospel, particularly in places where the message of Jesus had not yet taken root. One of the most notable moments in Philip’s ministry occurred in Samaria, where his preaching, healing, and miraculous signs led many to faith (Acts 8:5-13).

Philip’s work was not just significant, it was crucial in expanding the early church. He ventured into new territories, communicated Jesus’ message in culturally relevant ways, and was instrumental in bringing new people into the faith. His story is a testament to the profound impact a dedicated Evangelist can have on the growth of the Kingdom of God.

Evangelists Then and Now: Bridging the Gap Between Church and World

In the New Testament, Evangelists like Philip played an essential role in venturing into new territories and communicating the message of Jesus in ways that resonated with the culture around them. They were not content to stay within the church walls but were driven to go out and bring the Gospel to those who had never heard it.

Today, the gift of Evangelism is evident in those who have a natural ability to share their faith and connect with non-believers. These modern Evangelists thrive in outreach ministries, missions, and other contexts where the Gospel needs to be communicated clearly and compellingly. They are the ones who make Jesus’ message relevant and engaging, bridging the gap between the church and the wider world. This could be through social media or their professional work, always finding ways to share the Gospel.

For instance, within a band or worship team at Madison Church, an Evangelist plays a strategic role in connecting the message of the songs with those who may not yet know Jesus. They help choose songs that resonate with non-believers and actively engage with newcomers, using music as a bridge to invite others into a deeper relationship with God. Their presence ensures that worship is not just an inward-focused experience but one that reaches out to draw others in.

The Evangelistic Call for All Believers

While not every Christian is gifted as an Evangelist, every believer is called to embrace certain aspects of evangelism. All Christians are called to share the Good News, be ready to answer for the hope within them and be a light in a dark world.

We might not all preach to crowds like Philip, but we are all called to be witnesses of Jesus in our daily lives. This could mean sharing our faith with a coworker, inviting neighbors to church, or simply living so others are drawn to Christ through our actions. The importance of evangelism in our daily lives cannot be overstated.

Every believer is called to be mindful of those far from God and to seek opportunities to share the love of Jesus with those around them. We are all called to make the Gospel accessible, to speak in ways that others can understand, and to live in a manner that makes the message of Jesus compelling and attractive.

In this way, the spirit of evangelism is something we can all cultivate, no matter our specific gifts. We are all called to be bearers of the Good News, to bring the message of Jesus into every corner of our lives, and to ensure that the church remains outwardly focused, always seeking to draw new people into the Kingdom of God.