
MC Asks
Baptisms at Madison Church
Have you ever wondered why baptism, a practice deeply rooted in Scripture and the church’s history, holds such importance in Christianity? For many, it’s more than a ritual—a significant step in their faith journey, rich with symbolism and meaning. Baptism is a powerful declaration of a believer’s identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. It’s an...
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Person holding communion bread and wine with a tree tattoo on their wrist.
At Madison Church, we take communion every week as a community. It’s a time of reflection, repentance, and response. But how should we approach this sacred moment? What Is Communion? Jesus’ Command to Remember Communion isn’t something we do out of tradition alone—it’s a command from Jesus. At the Last Supper, Jesus shared a meal...
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Graphic for "Empowered for More" sermon series featuring dynamic visual elements such as black and white stripes, images of a dove, fire, water, and classic art depictions of hands reaching towards each other. Text includes the series title and a reference to Luke 3:1-13.
In the journey of faith, one common question believers wrestle with is how to discern whether the thoughts in their minds are their own, influenced by God, or influenced by spiritual adversaries. This question touches the core of spiritual growth and understanding. The fundamental principle to remember is that our thoughts are always our own. We...
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I want to give, but my spouse or partner doesn’t… What do I do? This is a really great question because of how relevant it is. There are people worldwide who practice Christianity and follow Jesus, but the other person in the relationship doesn’t. That can work out for a while, but when it comes...
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