How (Not) To Read The Bible

Whether you are a Christian, a doubter, or someone exploring the Bible for the first time, our teaching series will help guide you step-by-step in how to make sense of difficult and disturbing Bible passages.

How (Not) To Read The Bible

Whether you are a Christian, a doubter, or someone exploring the Bible for the first time, our teaching series will help guide you step-by-step in how to make sense of difficult and disturbing Bible passages.


Never Read a Bible Verse

Stephen Feith

The majority of Bibles verses that are pointed out today as disturbing or crazy are ones that are taken out of context and have reasonable explanations for them.

Shrimp, Slavery, & The Skin of a Dead Pig

Sarah Hanson

Slavery is evil. God did not create it or endorse it. God specified the death penalty for slave trades in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament he clearly said it is a sin. the Bible verses on slavery guide us in how to bring better treatment to people caught in a system that was established by humans.

Is the Bible Anti-Women?

Stephen Feith

In the beginning, God created a perfect harmony of man and woman – unique, but equal. After humans rebelled against God in the garden, patriarchal sin developed with various types of abuse of women, including misogyny and polygamy. This is not what God created; it is what humans put in place.

Do We Have to Choose Between Science/Bible?

Stephen Feith

There are many valid ways of interpreting the early chapters of Genesis, which even include the possibility that God used evolution to create. There are mysteries we just don’t know, details the Bible doesn’t give. What we know is that God created everything.

Are All Religions Basically The Same?

Stephen Feith

When we examine world religions, we find they do not all point to the same God or to paths that end in the same place. Their major tenets of belief are different and contradict each other. To say they are all the same makes God a liar, who teaches different truths to different people. Either one is right and the rest wrong, or they are all wrong. The claims of Christianity make the most sense and have the backing of historical Scriptures to prove its claims are true.

The Horror of God's Old Testament Violence

Stephen Feith

When God did order violence and death, it was always with extreme patience and plenty of warning to give people the opportunity to repent and turn to him. It was never genocide or ethnic cleansing.